
The source is available on GitHub. To contribute to the project, fork it on GitHub, run the tests, code analysis and style checks using the instructions below. Then send a pull request, all contributions and suggestions are welcome.

This project is a fork of the source available on GitHub.


The python tox tool will run the tests in multiple python virtual environments using all supported python interpreters installed on the computer system running the tests. To install it, run:

pip install tox

The tests using the redis module require that a redis-server be running with the default configuration. If the redis-server is not running the py27-redis and py34-redis test environments will fail. To run the tests in using all python interpreters installed on the system using both the redis and redisliste modules run:


Code Analysis/Linting

The tox tool also is configured with a test envioronment to run the pylint tool. To check the code for common problems using pylint, run:

tox -e pylint

Style Check/PEP8

The code can be checked for compliance with the Python style guide using the pep8 tool. To do this, run:

tox -e pep8


To build the package documentation using the tox tool, run:

tox -e build_docs

The resulting documentation will be in the build/sphinx/html directory.